Cancer Treatment Using Natural Body Capabilities (DCs vaccination)

24 Mär, 2024 - Medizinische Informationen


Cancer is one of the most common diseases in modern times. Over the past decades, significant scientific efforts have been made to combat cancer, resulting in the development of numerous treatments incorporated into cancer treatment protocols, which have made significant progress in fighting cancer. Before the mid-20th century, cancer treatments were limited to surgery, herbal remedies, or radiation from natural sources such as the sun and radioactive minerals. However, these treatments were ineffective in advanced cases of cancer. The discovery of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, along with advancements in surgical techniques, brought hope for cancer recovery in many cases and increased the ability to control the disease and prolong patients' lives.

Despite scientific advancements and the variety of treatment options, cancer remains a significant threat to human health and life. It remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and hearing news like "cancer diagnosis" is often perceived as a death sentence. Moreover, traditional cancer treatments pose significant risks to human health, not only failing to cure but also leaving devastating side effects. Treatments such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy can cause severe fatigue, skin changes, mouth sores, heart, lung, kidney problems, nerve damage, thyroid gland problems (if exposed to radiation), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, appetite loss, and hair loss. Additionally, there is a risk of developing secondary cancer types due to traditional cancer treatments. Statistics around the world indicate that more than 40% of cancer patients die from cancer treatment rather than cancer itself.

Therefore, scientists have not ceased to search for more effective and safer therapeutic approaches for human health. Many effective solutions have been developed, some of which have been applied, while others are still in the experimental stage. With increased contemplation of the human body and how its systems work, particularly the immune system, it has been realized that many problems' solutions and diseases' treatments exist within the human body itself, in a creative and marvelous way.


In a healthy human body, the immune system combats tumors daily through several defense mechanisms that work together to identify and eliminate tumor cells. The immune system continuously monitors the body for foreign or mutated cells. Then:
- Dendritic cells capture antigens of cancer cells and present them to T cells to stimulate their response against foreign cells.
- T cells (killer T cells and natural killer cells) directly attack and destroy cancer cells.
- After eliminating cancer cells, the immune system develops immunological memory to provide a faster and more effective response if cancer reappears.

By understanding the immune system's mechanisms, scientists have developed effective and safe therapeutic solutions without using any chemical substances or foreign materials but by utilizing the body's power and defensive mechanisms against diseases. Hence, cellular therapies or immunotherapies have emerged, such as dendritic cell therapy, for which American immunologist Ralph Steinman received the Nobel Prize for its discovery. These cells' primary function is to process antigens for dangerous cells in the body and present them to T cells, which then eliminate these foreign cells in the body.

When a patient has cancer, there is a malfunction in the immune system, leading to its inability to recognize cancer cells. Additionally, cancer cells behave like normal cells, leading to cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth. Therefore, scientists take samples of dendritic cells from the patient's body, as well as samples of cancer cells, to identify and develop a vaccine in the laboratory. The patient is then injected with the vaccine to enable the immune system to perform its normal function and fight cancer, eliminating it.

This method has already proven its effectiveness and passed clinical trials. Some diseases that have shown a good response to this treatment include melanoma, aggressive skin cancer that spreads rapidly, glioblastoma, a type of brain tumor that can be challenging to treat, osteosarcoma, a cancer that arises in the bones, mesothelioma, a cancer affecting the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, colon cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer. Among the advantages of immunotherapy with dendritic cells are:

- This treatment is specifically designed for each patient, considering genetic and immune characteristics.
- Dendritic cells stimulate the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells, providing continuous immune response directed against the tumor.
- Since the treatment targets cancer cells specifically, it reduces the side effects associated with traditional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.
- The treatment can be integrated with other forms of therapy to improve outcomes.
- The treatment has shown promising results in treating various types of cancer, including those resistant to other treatments.

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Tags: future of cancer treatment, Cancer, cancer cure, الأورام, السرطان, علاج السرطان في ألمانيا, الخلايا المتغصنة, الخلايا الجذعية, الجديد في علاج السرطان, VIP Medical Service, vipmedical Service