Surgical Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure

26 Jan, 2024 - Medical Info

❤️ The Heart

The heart is a vital muscular organ in the human body that acts as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body. It consists of four main chambers: the right ventricle, the left ventricle, the right atrium, and the left atrium.

Its function is to pump oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to all parts of the body, collect oxygen-poor blood from the tissues, and return it to the lungs to expel carbon dioxide and load the blood with oxygen. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, while the left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body.

The blood-pumping process in the heart is regulated by a complex electrical system that controls the heart rate. This electrical system relies on the transmission of electrical signals through special muscle cells called the sinus node, atrioventricular node, and bundle of His.

The function of the heart muscle plays a crucial role in ensuring the flow of oxygen-rich blood to all organs and tissues of the body.

🚑 Heart Failure and Treatment Stages Before Deciding on LVAD

Heart diseases can include a decrease in heart muscle strength, acute or chronic heart failure, and heart valve diseases. When it comes to heart muscle failure, the only treatment is heart transplantation. Fortunately, there are available options for implanting an external blood-pumping device to redirect blood flow to the rest of the body. Examples of this technology include LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) and the HeartMate 3 device.

The difference is that LVAD is a general technology or type referring to heart-assist devices used to support and compensate for heart function, while HeartMate 3 is a specific type of LVAD.

🔦 LVAD stands for "Left Ventricular Assist Device":

It is a device to assist the left ventricle of the heart, implanted in the body, functioning as an external blood pump to enhance heart function and improve blood flow. LVAD devices provide support and comfort for patients suffering from acute or chronic heart failure and are also used as a temporary stage for patients waiting for a new heart transplant.

🔦 HeartMate 3 is:

A specific type of LVAD device, a heart-assist device used to treat acute and chronic heart failure. HeartMate 3 features an enhanced pump that reduces the risk of blood clots and minimizes the need for mechanical part replacement due to its innovative design. HeartMate 3 is a reliable and effective option for patients with heart failure who need temporary or permanent heart support, characterized by efficiency, durability, and good performance.

🩺 There are several reasons for heart problems requiring LVAD implantation, including:

  • Decreased heart muscle function
  • Acute or chronic heart failure
  • Heart valve diseases

Typically, LVAD surgery requires a prompt decision from the patient. This procedure is effective and vital for maintaining a better life for those suffering from acute heart failure and not responding to other drug treatments. If surgical intervention is delayed, the patient may face more life-threatening health problems. Before starting LVAD use, several treatment stages are followed to assess the patient's condition and ensure the appropriate treatment.

💊 Of course, before starting LVAD implantation, there are several stages, including:

1️⃣ Medical Assessment: The general medical condition of the patient is evaluated through specific tests to assess the stage of heart muscle failure and its impact on the functions of other organs.

2️⃣ Drug Treatment: Drug treatment is administered to improve heart muscle function and alleviate symptoms of heart failure, including specific medications such as diuretics, blood thinners, cardiac muscle strengtheners, blood pressure reducers, and others.

3️⃣ Comprehensive Evaluation: A comprehensive evaluation of the patient is conducted by a specialized medical team, including laboratory tests, stress tests, and echocardiography. These medical tests are performed to determine the degree of heart failure and decide if LVAD is the appropriate option.

4️⃣ Physical Readiness: The physical fitness and general condition of the patient are evaluated before surgical intervention and future use of LVAD. There may be a need to improve overall health and fitness before starting treatment.

5️⃣ Surgical Procedure: After completing the previous stages and confirming the necessary criteria, a surgical procedure is performed to implant an LVAD by introducing tubes and pumps into the heart and blood vessels.

❗️ It should be noted that these stages may vary based on each patient's condition and the recommendations of the treating doctor. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialized doctor to obtain accurate information about the treatment stages before starting LVAD. In such cases (if heart transplantation is the appropriate treatment), it is crucial to move urgently to undergo transplantation before it is too late.

✅ LVAD provides some important benefits for patients, including:

  • Improvement of heart function and stabilization of blood flow dynamics throughout the body appropriately.
  • Reduction of symptoms such as shortness of breath and severe fatigue and improvement in overall quality of life.
  • Provides the patient with an opportunity to wait for a new heart transplant, as the device acts as a temporary stage until a compatible heart is found for transplantation.
  • Pump speed can be controlled and adjusted according to the patient's needs.

🔖 The Difference Between Cardiac Catheterization and LVAD:

Cardiac catheterization and LVAD are not the same.

Cardiac catheterization is a medical procedure where a thin, flexible catheter is introduced into the arteries or veins to reach the coronary arteries of the heart. Cardiac catheterization serves both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) is an adjunctive therapeutic procedure for the heart, supporting and improving the function of the left ventricle of the heart.

❇️ Patients experiencing a decline in heart muscle strength, such as acute and chronic heart failure or heart valve diseases, can benefit from the services of Vip Medical Service to determine if they are candidates for treatment with LVAD. We recommend:

ℹ️ Ensure diagnosis with a specialist in heart diseases, obtain detailed reports on the patient's condition and symptoms, discuss the case, and suggest the appropriate treatment for the condition.

ℹ️ Conduct comprehensive medical examinations and necessary tests to determine the level of heart failure and its impact on the condition of other organs.

ℹ️ Contact Vip Medical Service Company and provide reports on the condition. The company will coordinate a medical consultation with one of the leading doctors in Germany to assess the possibility of LVAD treatment and determine the resulting outcomes.

✅✅ Vip Medical Service has a database of heart and vascular surgery centers in Germany, along with professional assessments of their work and treatment outcomes, especially in dealing with cases of heart failure. The company has a direct and close relationship with renowned university professors and specialized doctors in heart and vascular surgery and knows how to plan a therapeutic program for the patient to enjoy their recovery journey.

📳 Do not hesitate to contact us for consultations or more information. Leave a request on our website or through one of the contact methods provided, and the medical consultant will get in touch with you, guiding you step by step.

Sources: Prof. Dr. Khaldoun Ali - Head of the Department of Heart Diseases at Braunschweig Hospital - Germany